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Episode 5: intimacy during pregnancy, breastfeeding & lactation consultant

Halfway through your pregnancy

Many women feel energetic during these weeks. You can feel your child becoming stronger and moving more.

In short

  • A child that moves well is doing well with you!
  • Breastfeeding contains all the nutrients your child needs, perfectly tailored to their needs at any given moment.
  • You can safely have intercourse until childbirth (provided that the membranes have not ruptured).

Intimacy during pregnancy

Most pregnant women have little desire for intimacy during the first few months of pregnancy. This changes around the fourth month when their libido returns. You can safely have intercourse until childbirth. The baby will not be disturbed as they are safely protected in the amniotic fluid and membranes😉

Occasionally, improved blood flow to the vagina during pregnancy can cause a very slight amount of bleeding after intercourse. Nothing to be alarmed about, but always consult your midwife if this happens.

Child's movements

A child that moves well is doing well with you!

A child who doesn't feel well may lie still to conserve energy. That's why we ask at every check-up if the baby is moving well, and we want you to call us if you have any doubts about whether the baby is moving enough.

Feeling fetal movements typically begins around the second half of pregnancy. From 26 weeks onward, it's important to feel the baby move every part of the day. As pregnancy progresses, the periods of sleep for the baby become longer, and towards the end of pregnancy, the baby has less space to move. As a result, you may feel the baby move less vigorously in the final weeks of your pregnancy. These changes are always gradual.

If you're unsure whether your baby is moving enough, do the following: take a moment to rest (leave work if you're there), eat something sweet, and find a relaxed position, such as lying on the couch, bed, or in the bath. Focus your attention on your baby and place your hands on your belly to feel the movements externally.

Please contact us:

  • When you do not feel the baby move at least 10 times within 2 hours while you were at rest and focusing on the baby.
  • When the baby suddenly moves much less than you are accustomed to.
  • In case of concern or doubt about the baby's movements.

Support from your surroundings

The support of your partner and others around you regarding your choice of feeding is important.

Health benefit

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition you can provide for your baby if you are able to do so. It contains all the nutrients your child needs, perfectly tailored to their needs at any given moment. Additionally, it provides antibodies that strengthen the immune system, protects against obesity and chronic diseases, and promotes bonding between mother and child. Besides being healthy, breastfeeding is convenient: it's always available, at the right temperature. There are also benefits for you as a mother: you often have less postpartum bleeding, a slightly reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and you may return to your pre-pregnancy weight more quickly.



If you decide to breastfeed, it's wise to prepare yourself. Reading about breastfeeding, listening to the mentioned podcast, or attending an education session will increase your knowledge. This helps you know what to expect after childbirth and be more relaxed, increasing the likelihood of successful breastfeeding.

Bottle feeding

Formula feeding (artificial feeding) is a good alternative for your baby if you choose not to or cannot breastfeed. The composition of infant formula, including vitamins and minerals, is regulated by law in the Netherlands (Warenwet).

Lactation consultant

During the first week, your maternity nurse and midwife are very involved and support you with breastfeeding. They weigh the baby and provide daily advice on what's best. If they are unsure, they will readily seek assistance from a lactation consultant.



Until your child starts primary school, it is advised to give them 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily. This supports healthy bone development. Additionally, if you are breastfeeding your baby until they are 3 months old, it's recommended to provide 150 micrograms of vitamin K daily to support blood clotting.

and more...

For partners

When your wife or partner decides to breastfeed, know that your motivation and support are invaluable. Therefore, consider reading the growth guide on breastfeeding! And listen to the podcast from Mom & Co with lactation consultant Myrte van Lonkhuijzen.

Read tips

  • The growth guide on breastfeeding is packed with reliable and useful information. You will receive it from us during your 3rd Centering Pregnancy session.
  • As preparation for your delivery, take some time to read through these brochures:
    1) Your delivery, How do you prepare? And
    2) Your delivery, How do you manage pain?
  • De Melkfabriek – Sofie van den Enk

To do

Request a maternity package from your insurance if covered. Otherwise, purchase it from us to support a good cause.

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Questions about a healthy pregnancy?

Contact us! We are available by phone every day until 1:00 PM, and by email all day.

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Reimbursements from basic insurance

With which insurances do you have a contract?

Walk-in consultations

How do I prepare for breastfeeding?

When can I opt for the NIPT (prenatal test)?

Zorgplan / Care Plan

Which pregnancy course do you recommend?

How can my partner acknowledge the baby?

What happens during the follow-up appointments?

What happens during the first appointment with the midwife?

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Curious about your baby?

Schedule a fun ultrasound session at our West or East location! We combine 2D/3D/4D techniques for the best results.
