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Do I always get Centering Pregnancy care?
We offer Centering Pregnancy care, because we believe in the power of connection. It takes a village to raise a child. If you feel more comfortable with the regular care, that is also possible. You can indicate this during the intake.In some cases, Centering Pregnancy is not possible, for example because you start later and groups around your term are already full. The regular care offers all necessary consultations. We try to offer the same midwife for the first 30 weeks. Because you receive less information than in the Centering Pregnancy program, we advise you to supplement this with information or courses about breastfeeding, giving birth and parenting.
Can I follow the Centering Pregnancy course during working hours?
In the Netherlands you can take paid leave for obstetric care during working hours (by law). To make planning easier, all dates for your group are already set. We have prepared a letter for your employer especially for you. Ask our assistant.
Who supervises the Centering Pregnancy meetings?
We work in small teams of 3 midwives: team West & team East. In addition to your regular group of pregnant women, you will see a familiar face of the supervising midwife (& co-supervisor) for 9 sessions.As the due date approaches, the group will become smaller and smaller; some pregnant women give birth earlier, some later. In this last period you will meet a second midwife and the frequency of the appointments will become weekly. For example, you will have seen at least two of the three midwives on your team around your delivery.
Where do the Centering Pregnancy meetings take place?
The Centering Pregnancy meetings are given at Westerdok 808 by team West and at Laagte Kadijk 148 by team East.
Is there also a possibility for a 1-on-1 or private moment with the midwife?
Every pregnant woman receives a personal check-in with the midwife during the centering meeting. During this check-in, your belly will be measured and you can listen to the baby's heartbeat. You also play a major role in your pregnancy care: you learn to measure your own blood pressure and record this together with your weight in your own file.
What can I expect during the Centering Pregnancy meetings?
During the Centering Pregnancy meetings we create a safe place to share questions and thoughts with other mothers. In each session we will discuss various themes together. There is also a 1-on-1 moment with the midwife for physical examination.
How long are the Centering Pregnancy meetings?
The group sessions last 2 hours. The last meetings, from session 10, last 1 hour. This way we can offer much more time and attention than during a regular consultation (15-20 minutes).
How many Centering Pregnancy meetings are there?
After the term ultrasound, the group meetings start. Each group meets at least 10 times: 9x during pregnancy (possibly 10-14 times, depending on when you give birth) and 1x after delivery
Why do you combine multiple techniques for a fun ultrasound?
Sometimes due to the moment in your pregnancy or the position of the baby, a beautiful image with 1 technique is not entirely possible. We aim to show the best images possible. That's why we try to use everything we have! Do you have certain expectations? Report them to the sonographer in advance!
Who makes the ultrasounds at amstermam?
Ultrasounds are conducted by our midwives Jolijn, Marike, and Rianne. Sometimes, this is scheduled together with an intake.For the specialized screening ultrasounds (13-week and 20-week ultrasound), we have dedicated sonographers Natascha and Nadya. Together with Marie Claire they perform all types of ultrasounds available at amstermam.
How does an ultrasound work?
Ultrasound research uses sound waves with a very high frequency, inaudible to us. The ultrasound machine generates these waves, the sound is transmitted into the body and produces reverberations of sound. The reflected sound is picked up by the device and converted into an image.
Is an ultrasound safe?
There are no known harmful effects when using ultrasound in ultrasound examinations. Frequent use of X-rays can lead to damage to cells or organs and thus to diseases. This is not the case when using ultrasound (echo).
Do you provide 3D and 4D ultrasounds?
With fun ultrasounds, we combine the 2D / 3D and 4D technique for the best possible result, depending on the term of pregnancy.
Which ultrasound device do you use?
In West we use a brand new Voluson S10 Expert. We are also authorized to make medical ultrasounds.In East we use a Voluson S10, perfect for term ultrasounds, gender ultrasounds, fun ultrasounds and location ultrasounds.
Are all ultrasounds reimbursed by health insurance?
The early ultrasound is free for amstermam clients. All standard ultrasounds are reimbursed by EU health insurances: term, 13 weeks, 20 weeks and location ultrasound. If necessary, growth ultrasounds are also reimbursed.Ultrasounds on request are at your own expense.
Can I take photos or film during an ultrasound?
For privacy reasons, it is not allowed to make images and/or sound recordings in our practice. You will receive a number of printed photos and you can view all images in your digital file via the Zwanger! app. With a fun ultrasound you get a link to download (moving) images.
How long does a fun ultrasound take?
We offer 15 minutes and 20 minutes fun ultrasounds.
How many people can I bring to an ultrasound?
You may bring 1 person with you for medical ultrasounds, such as the 13-week and the 20-week ultrasound. For the sonographer's focus, it is not possible for children to be present.With a fun ultrasound there is room for a maximum of 4 extra people. Do you want to come up with more? Then please contact the assistant.
Reimbursements from basic insurance
You do not have to pay for basic obstetric care yourself. This includes the intake, counseling regarding prenatal testing, the NIPT, 13 & 20 weeks ultrasound, obstetric consultations / Centering Pregnancy sessions and obstetric guidance up to 6 weeks after childbirth. Ultrasounds on request are not covered by insurance. No personal contribution has to be paid for a home birth. In some cases of care, a personal contribution is required.A referral from the obstetrician or your general practitioner is required for a delivery in a hospital. In that case, no personal contribution needs to be paid. This applies in the following situations:a delivery that is necessary is supervised by a gynaecologist;a delivery with pain relief (such as an epidural, nitrous oxide sedation);if the responsible obstetrician (or general practitioner) has indicated that hge/she wishes to have the delivery take place in the hospital in order to avoid risks.als de bevalling in een ziekenhuis of geboortecentrum plaatsvindt zonder medische indicatie, moet een eigen bijdrage worden betaald. De hoogte van het tarief kan per ziekenhuis of geboortecentrum verschillen. In 2024 vergoedt de zorgverzekeraar € 246. Het verschil tussen het tarief van het ziekenhuis of geboortecentrum en de € 246 betaalt de verzekerde zelf.No personal contribution is due for a delivery that starts in a birth center and where a medical indication is still issued during the delivery and the delivery takes place in a hospital.For a delivery that starts in a hospital (on your own request) and where a medical indication is issued during the delivery, no personal contribution is due for the outpatient delivery. Source: Zorg Instituut Nederland
With which insurances do you have a contract?
We have a contract with every insurance company in the Netherlands. You can find us under our own name amstermam of onder or as Verloskundige Zorggroep Groot Amsterdam (VGZA) .
Walk-in consultations
We call this walk-in consultation heartbeatconsultation . Every woensdagmiddag van 15:00-15:30 uur in februari 2025 you are welcome at Spuistraat 239-1 to listen to your baby's heartbeat. You do not need to make an appointment for this. Please note: we have about 5 minutes per pregnant person. If you need more time, please contact us our assistant for an appointment. Per 1 maart 2025 is het inloopspreekuur op onze locatie West: Westerdok 808.
How do I prepare for breastfeeding?
For the healthy development and growth of your baby, breastfeeding is the best food you can give during the first 6 months. Fortunately, bottle feeding is now a very good alternative if you can't or don't want to breastfeed.Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't come naturally. You and your baby need to learn this together. How often do we see our sisters or friends feeding? And how much do we talk about it with each other? For most women, the answer to both questions is: little. That is why we think it is wise if you want to breastfeed, to prepare well for this. To know what nature has in store for you. Knowledge gives peace of mind, and rest increases the chance that breastfeeding will get off to a good start, that you will enjoy it and that it will eventually go 'automatically'.You will receive the growth guide from the GGD Amsterdam about breastfeeding during our consultation hours. It contains a lot of information about the benefits of breastfeeding, latching on, the start of milk production, problems during feeding and about pumping. And listen to the podcast of Mom & co with lactation consultant Myrte van Lonkhuijzen. If you want additional information, then following a breastfeeding education is recommended. In Amsterdam there are various information services. We recommend the information 'Feeding and Raising' by Ineke van Straeten. In addition to breastfeeding, she tells you everything about the first period after childbirth, including about your baby's crying and sleeping behavior. Read more about (breast) feeding in episode 5 of the 9-monthplan.
When can I opt for the NIPT (prenatal test)?
Je kan er sinds 1 april 2017 voor kiezen om een NIPT te laten uitvoeren: een bloedtest die aangeeft of je ongeboren kind het syndroom van Down, Patau of Edwards heeft. De NIPT geeft geen risico’s voor jou of de baby en wordt niet vergoed door je verzekering. Vanaf 10 weken zwangerschap en ná de termijnecho kan er bloed bij jou worden afgenomen ten behoeve van de NIPT. Dit bloed wordt in een van de academische centra onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van een extra chromosoom (trisomie) 13, 18 of 21: de veroorzakers van de syndromen. De NIPT is voor iedereen kosteloos beschikbaar en spoort dezelfde aandoeningen op als voorheen de combinatietest. Alleen geeft de NIPT een uitslag die veel betrouwbaarder is.Een goede testuitslag heeft een betrouwbaarheid van 99,9%. Een slechte uitslag heeft een iets minder grote betrouwbaarheid. De uitslag van de NIPT geeft geen zekerheid. Toch is de uitslag meestal een geruststelling: bij een niet-afwijkende uitslag is de kans maar heel klein dat er toch een afwijking is. Er komt dus geen vervolgonderzoek. Krijg je een uitslag die afwijkend is? Dan kun je kiezen voor vervolgonderzoek. Dat geeft je zekerheid. Wil je meer weten over de zekerheid van de uitslag van de NIPT? Kijk op is belangrijk dat je goed geïnformeerd bent over de mogelijke uitkomsten als je deze test wilt doen. Welke keuze je namelijk ook maakt, je kan te maken krijgen met moeilijke keuzes over het wel of niet afbreken van de zwangerschap.Lees hier meer over in episode 3 of the 9-monthplan.
Zorgplan / Care Plan
We amstermam We have drawn up a care plan. Here you will find all the information you need: from the first ultrasound to after the birth. Zorgplan (NL). Download Care Plan (ENG). Vind je geen antwoord op je vraag? Mail ons op en we helpen je graag.
Which pregnancy course do you recommend?
Following a course is good preparation for your delivery. During such a course you will receive a lot of extra information that is not covered as standard in our care. You will learn relaxation exercises to cope with the contractions during your delivery. And it's important to be physically prepared for your delivery. After all, a fit body is better! We therefore urgently advise our clients to follow a pregnancy course.
How can my partner acknowledge the baby?
If you are not married and do not have a registered partnership, your partner will have to acknowledge the baby in order to have a legal relationship with your child. We recommend that you arrange the recognition before 30 weeks. When your partner has acknowledged the baby, he/she can register the birth after delivery (within 3 days) and an application for sharing parental authority is automatically submitted after the declaration. You do not have to go to the city office within 72 hours after giving birth.If you are expecting your first child, go to the district office together to have the baby recognized by your partner. This must be done by appointment. Don't forget to bring your ID with you. Already at the recognition you need to choose which surname the baby will receive. Tip: you can arrange recognition in every municipality and city office by appointment; sometimes it is faster arranged outside the city.
What happens during the follow-up appointments?
After the intake there are 9 Centering Pregnancy meetings, each lasting 2 hours. After that, 1-4 one-hour meetings will take place.During each visit you measure your blood pressure, your abdomen is examined¹ by the midwife to assess the growth and position of the baby and we listen to the baby's heartbeat.In addition, information is discussed at each meeting about various topics that are important to you in the relevant phase of the pregnancy. The dates of the meetings are all fixed in advance. Read more about this here pregnancy care.If you follow the regular care process, the midwife will explain during the intake what this will look like and when you will see each other (about 7-10 times).
What happens during the first appointment with the midwife?
The first appointment (after the early ultrasound) is the intake and this is scheduled around 8 weeks. During the intake, your midwife will take an average of 45 minutes to inform you about many different topics, ask you questions and discuss our care with you. We discuss the questionnaire – including questions about your health, that of your partner and that of both families – that you completed in advance. If you decide to discuss the possible prenatal tests.You will also receive a form to have a standard blood test done. The midwife will meet your blood pressure, determine your BMI and examine your abdomen.
Voorbeeld overdracht huisarts en OKC
Klik hier voor een voorbeeldbrief van onze overdracht aan de huisarts (NL+ENG) vb overdracht huisarts -ex. transfer GPKlik hier voor een voorbeeldbrief van onze overdracht aan het OKC (NL + ENG) Overdracht : Transfer OKC
Is there a follow-up consultation?
After the birth there is a final session with your Centering Pregnancy mother group. Here you can share experiences and admire each other's babies. You are always welcome to come to the practice for a follow-up check-up 6 weeks after giving birth. For example, to have your stitches checked or to discuss complaints you are still experiencing. The initiative to make an appointment lies with you. We no longer do standard follow-up checks, because many women cancel those last minute if all goes well. And luckily that is the case in most cases.
Where can I go with my questions after the maternity week?
What is tested during the heel prick?
Tussen de 4e en 7e dag na de bevalling komt er iemand van de GGD Amsterdam bij jullie thuis voor de gehoortest en hielprik. De GGD wordt na de aangifte van jullie kindje automatisch ingelicht, daarom is het belangrijk tijdig aangifte van de geboorte te doen. Bij de hielprik wordt het bloed van jullie kindje onderzocht op 31 zeldzame maar behandelbare ziekten. Vroege opsporing van deze ziekten zorgt voor veel betere behandelingsmogelijkheden en een betere toekomst voor jullie kind.Voor meer info, lees hier de de folder van het RIVM.
What is maternity care? (kraamzorg)
If you have just given birth, it is important that you receive care and medical guidance as a maternity woman. The care you receive is provided by a maternity nurse. The maternity nurse takes care of you and your baby, provides information, guides you through breastfeeding and also carries out important checks. These checks are important for your health and that of the baby.Register for maternity care early in time during your pregnancy. This is not automatically arranged when you are under care with us; maternity care is provided by a maternity agency. At the intake you will receive tips from your midwife with whom you can best arrange this. You register at 1 maternity care agency.
How do I write a birth plan?
It is known that women who are well informed about what can and will happen during childbirth and who feel involved in the guidance, look back on this impressive event better. When you decide to write a birth plan, you think about your wishes regarding the delivery and the period after. It is important to realize that you never know in advance exactly what you want or need at the moment. That is why it is especially important to think about how you want to be guided, so that you feel comfortable and dare to let go. Even if things go differently than you had imagined beforehand. Because if you have confidence, you can let go and that is essential to experience childbirth well.We would like to discuss your wishes with you and include them in our guidance, so that we can contribute to a valuable memory. We do this in the 7th session of Centering Pregnancy.You discuss the birth plan with your Centering Pregnancy counselor, who can give you further explanation. You then determine together whether your wishes are feasible. Perhaps there are medical or practical concerns. Often there are alternatives. After this conversation, you can add to or adjust the birth plan if necessary.
Which location is best for me to give birth?
The answer is simple: where you are most relaxed. Your body likes it best where it feels at home. The hormones that cause contractions can do their job best when you are relaxed. As a result, the chance of interventions is as small as possible. Think about your choice calmly, discuss it with your partner and know that you only have to decide during the delivery what you feel comfortable with. We respect every choice, and do our work with equal love in every place.You can indicate in which hospital you want to give birth. Please note that the preferred hospital may be full. You must arrange your own transport to and from the hospital. You will go home about 2-3 hours after giving birth, also at night. Many health insurers charge a personal contribution for an outpatient delivery, ask your health insurer what amount you may have to pay yourself.
When should we call during labor?
How do I prepare for breastfeeding?
For the healthy development and growth of your baby, breastfeeding is the best food you can give during the first 6 months. Fortunately, bottle feeding is now a very good alternative if you can't or don't want to breastfeed.Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't come naturally. You and your baby need to learn this together. How often do we see our sisters or friends feeding? And how much do we talk about it with each other? For most women, the answer to both questions is: little. That is why we think it is wise if you want to breastfeed, to prepare well for this. To know what nature has in store for you. Knowledge gives peace of mind, and rest increases the chance that breastfeeding will get off to a good start, that you will enjoy it and that it will eventually go 'automatically'.You will receive the growth guide from the GGD Amsterdam about breastfeeding during our consultation hours. It contains a lot of information about the benefits of breastfeeding, latching on, the start of milk production, problems during feeding and about pumping. And listen to the podcast of Mom & co with lactation consultant Myrte van Lonkhuijzen. If you want additional information, then following a breastfeeding education is recommended. In Amsterdam there are various information services. We recommend the information 'Feeding and Raising' by Ineke van Straeten. In addition to breastfeeding, she tells you everything about the first period after childbirth, including about your baby's crying and sleeping behavior. Read more about (breast) feeding in episode 5 of the 9-monthplan.
Can't find your answer? Please contact us!
See what others think about the amstermam care.
Nynke D.
Clear communication, fresh, sweet, sober and capable midwives and an optimistic attitude. We also really liked the space to design your own birth, and the experience with a pro home birth as well.
Sara B.
They are caring, punctual about appointment and check up, fast in taking action especially arranging with hospital, good listeners and they never force moms to take any actions that they don’t want. They have their points in suggesting manner.
Clayton S.
We can recommend Amsterdam to everyone. All midwives we have met are incredibly nice and have a personal approach. They were always there for us.
We also look back positively on the delivery, despite the fact that our son was born prematurely, all our worries were taken away.
Justine L.
Amstermam has been so wonderful to our little family. We were looking forward to seeing the team every time we had an appointment. Most of the time we had a consult with Esma, very talented midwife and a magical human being. Always a pleasure to see her. Veerle was lovely as well. Rianne and Esma both took part in our birth, and we couldn’t have wished for better support. So impressed by the amount of knowledge and human skills those ladies have.
Thanks to them we had a stress free pregnancy, and avoided a cesarean. They made sure our birth plan was respected.
Looking forward to having a second baby just to hang out again !
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