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Episode 6: preparation for childbirth & birth preferences

Preparation for childbirth

The delivery is approaching, and you may have started a pregnancy course. Below you'll find information about childbirth that can help you prepare for the big day.

In short

  • In the Netherlands, giving birth at home is just as safe as in a hospital.
  • Home births involve the fewest (unnecessary) medical interventions.
  • During a water birth, you have a lower chance of tearing.
  • A childbirth with a doula often requires less medical intervention.
  • At Amstermam, all midwives are trained to administer sterile water injections and nitrous oxide during childbirth.

Stages of childbirth

In the final weeks, your body prepares for childbirth. Your cervix becomes soft and shorter. During labor, your cervix dilates to allow the baby to pass through. Then, you push the baby through your pelvis and pelvic floor to deliver. Read extensively about what happens during childbirth in 'Ik ben aan het bevallen'.

Location of childbirth: you get to choose!

It's important that you give birth where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and safe. This environment helps you produce the most oxytocin (the labor hormone), ensuring the best possible birth experience. We don't mind where you give birth; your choice is always the right one!

Final moments

Once labor begins, we always come to your home first to assess the situation. Therefore, you only need to decide where you want to give birth when we arrive at your home.

When you give birth in the hospital, you typically go home about 2-3 hours after delivery, even at night. Many health insurers charge a co-payment for a hospital birth, so check with your health insurer to find out the amount you might need to pay out of pocket for a outpatient birth.

Research tells us about home birth:

  • At home, just as many healthy mothers and babies are born as in a hospital setting. We bring everything necessary for a comfortable and safe delivery during a home birth: medications, birthing stool, etc.
  • When you give birth in a hospital without a medical indication (poliklinisch), both the midwife and yourself may find it easier to seek assistance or request pain relief. This can increase the likelihood of unnecessary interventions.
  • The only reason to be transferred from home is if you experience excessive postpartum bleeding, which rarely occurs without prior signs that give us time to move you.
  • Women who give birth at home often look back more positively on their childbirth experience.

Pain during childbirth: everything you want to know

Childbirth is painful for most women, but that doesn't mean they all suffer.

We know from experience that most women are very capable of enduring the pain of childbirth. The intensity of contractions gradually increases during labor, allowing you to continually push your limits. Additionally, throughout labor, you have longer breaks between contractions than the contractions themselves, giving you time to recover. Moreover, the female body is remarkable: during childbirth, it releases endorphins, hormones that have a pain-relieving effect.

Dealing with labor pain involves both a physical and mental aspect. You can read below about what you can do physically to get through the contractions.

Mentally, it's beneficial to reflect on what will help you during contractions. Imagine how you've tackled other physical challenges, like climbing a mountain or enduring previous pain. This reflection can provide insight into tactics that may work for you. How will you accept the pain, or if you struggle with this, how will you distract yourself? How will you keep your adrenaline levels low?


You can already do a lot yourself to make the pain more bearable.


Keep moving; this also promotes the birthing process.


Warm socks help maintain a pleasant temperature.


Massage, especially of the lower back. A woman in labor will let you know what needs to be done 😉


A calm breathing pattern ensures good oxygen supply to the baby and muscles. Practice deep abdominal breathing or use breathing techniques to manage contractions.

Pain relief

Especially effective for back contractions:

Birth TENS

Using electrical pulses on your back helps reduce pain. You can use the TENS device at home or in the hospital, whenever you wish. Available for rent from us!

Sterile water injections

They relieve back pain. The injection itself is painful, but the pain from contractions significantly decreases for 2-3 hours. We can administer the injections both at home and in the hospital.


Roos on sterile water injections during her labor:

"At home, there was a form of pain relief available: sterile water injections. When the back contractions became intense, the midwife used a needle to administer a few injections into the painful areas of my back. I could indicate where I needed them the most. It felt like pinpricks or insect bites—not painless, but strangely more focused and localized than a contraction. Despite my initial skepticism (how could water under the skin help?), it worked. The back contractions immediately faded into the background. And they stayed that way for a while."

Pain relief

When you desire a stronger form of pain relief, you can receive medicinal pain relief.

Nitrous oxide

The first option is nitrous oxide (laughing gas). With your own midwife, you can receive nitrous oxide at Beval Centrum West or Amstelland Hospital from 6 centimeters dilation. It reduces the peak of pain, allowing you to relax well in between. Its use has no adverse effects on your child or the birthing process.

For the other pain relief options, we transfer your care to the hospital during labor. This is because they can affect the condition of your child or yourself, requiring additional monitoring.


Remifentanil is administered via an infusion pump, allowing you to self-administer the morphine-like substance. Its effect is similar to nitrous oxide. As a mother, you may become so relaxed that in very rare cases, you could experience a brief cessation of breathing, hence monitoring of your blood pressure and oxygen levels is necessary.

Epidural anesthesia

An epidural aims to eliminate pain. However, its drawbacks include potential weakening of contractions, low blood pressure requiring additional interventions such as oxytocin to stimulate contractions, vacuum extraction, or cesarean section. Additionally, about 10% of women with an epidural may develop fever, necessitating antibiotics via intravenous infusion for the mother and the baby receiving antibiotics via intravenous infusion for the first 48 hours after birth.

"In the Netherlands, YOU have the choice. Midwives and doctors are not against pain relief, as long as it is a well-considered decision. It's best to decide during labor because you don't know what a contraction feels like until you experience one. So how can you know if you will need pain relief or not?"

Water birth

Water birth has benefits for both mother and child. Women often experience less pain due to the warmth and counter-pressure of the water while sitting in a bath. Additionally, water pressure can facilitate smoother dilation progression. It's easier to change positions and there's a lower risk of tearing. Babies born in water tend to be calmer and more relaxed after birth. Interested in a water birth? That's available at Bevalcentrum West, OLVG Oost, Amstelland Hospital or at home. For tips on renting or buying a birthing pool, take a look at de Oerbron ,bevallingsbaden.nl.



A doula can best be described as a pregnancy and childbirth coach. She is an experienced and knowledgeable woman who provides non-medical support to expectant parents during pregnancy, childbirth, and in the postpartum period. Throughout the entire labor, she remains by the side of the laboring woman. Having continuous support throughout your entire labor increases the likelihood of a positive birth experience and can help labor progress without medical interventions.

The midwives at Amstermam find it very pleasant to work with doulas. Choose a doula with whom you feel a connection. For finding a doula, check the website of the Dutch Doula Association, or ask us for recommendations.

The effect of a doula

The most well-known study on the effects of the doula is by Marshall, Phyllis Klaus, and Kennell. The results showed:

  • 50% fewer cesarean sections
  • 25% shorter duration of labor
  • 60% fewer requests for an epidural
  • 40% less use of oxytocin (contraction-inducing medication)
  • 30% fewer requests for pain relief
  • 40% fewer vacuum deliveries

You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just have to breathe. Trust. Let go. And see what happens.
— Mandy Hale —


Birth wishes

Writing down your birth preferences (birth plan or birth wishes) can be a way to communicate your preferences regarding childbirth.

You can find various templates online as examples. Our advice is to keep it concise. By forcing yourself to be brief, you get to the essence. Aim for a maximum of 10 bullet points that are truly important to you.

Be careful that your birth preferences don't become a rigid checklist where you might feel disappointed if things don't go as planned; that can lead to disappointment. Remember, writing a birth plan is optional. If you prefer to leave everything to the moment, that's perfectly fine! It shows you have confidence in yourself and your midwife or doctor to handle things as they come during labor. There's no objection to that! Ensure your birth preferences or birth plan are in your hospital bag. Tip: Stick it on your door if you're not delivering with your own midwife.

and more...

For partners

  • It's great for your girlfriend/wife when you're prepared too. Take a course together or attend a partner class.
  • Most groups choose to include partners in at least sessions 5 and 6 of Centering Pregnancy.
  • Fun and useful book for expectant fathers: Aanpakken voor aanstaande vaders by David Borman, father and obstetrician.
  • Good to know: endorphins can cause a drowsy feeling or cause a laboring woman to turn inward. This is incredibly helpful, so let it happen.

Watch tips

To do

Consider putting your birth preferences on paper.

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Questions about a healthy pregnancy?

Contact us! We are available by phone every day until 1:00 PM, and by email all day.

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Reimbursements from basic insurance

With which insurances do you have a contract?

Walk-in consultations

How do I prepare for breastfeeding?

When can I opt for the NIPT (prenatal test)?

Zorgplan / Care Plan

Which pregnancy course do you recommend?

How can my partner acknowledge the baby?

What happens during the follow-up appointments?

What happens during the first appointment with the midwife?

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