Maternity care

Postnatal care is unique in the world. The maternity nurse teaches you and your partner how to care for the baby. Read more here about what to expect and which postnatal care we recommend.

Maternity care

Behalve Nederland is er geen land ter wereld waar vrouwen een kraamverzorgende krijgen die hen ondersteunen tijdens het kraambed. De kraamverzorgende leert jou en je partner de baby te verzorgen of zij helpt jou bij de borstvoeding. Een kraamverzorgende blijft ongeveer 8 dagen na de bevalling.


What are the tasks of a maternity nurse?

  1. Teach you and your partner everything about the care and behavior of the baby.
  2. Check your recovery daily.
  3. Check the baby daily for skin tone, weight, temperature, drinking, faeces and urination.
  4. If the maternity nurse finds that something is not going well with you or the baby, she will discuss this with the midwife.
  5. She does the basics of housekeeping; the laundry of you and the baby, changing your bed, keeping the nursery tidy and the sanitary facilities clean. Do you already have children? Then she takes care of them too.
  6. She assists with breastfeeding.


How many hours maternity care do I get?

You are legally entitled to at least 24 hours of maternity care spread over 8 days (3 hours per day).
You are entitled to a maximum of 80 hours of maternity care.
The standard number of hours of maternity care is 49.
The number of hours you will receive will be indicated during the intake interview.
In consultation with your midwife and maternity care, the number of hours can be extended if necessary, for example if:

  1. you are not recovering properly
  2. there are complications
  3. you have problems with breastfeeding
  4. je bevallen bent van een meerling.

Er wordt ook gekeken naar de samenstelling van je gezin. Moeders zonder partner krijgen langer hulp. De uren kunnen ook worden ingekort wanneer ja al een paar dagen van het kraambed in het ziekenhuis hebt doorgebracht. Ook kun je er zelf voor kiezen om minder uren af te nemen.

What does postnatal care cost?

The majority of postnatal care is covered by basic health insurance. The government requires you to contribute a few euros per hour. Sometimes, this is covered by your supplementary insurance. To find out exactly how this applies to you, check your policy details.


Maternity agencies

We like to work with the small-scale maternity agencies in Amsterdam. We are well attuned to each other because we often run into each other in the city. Two of these agencies are:

Mammae Mia (centrer, East)
De Kleine Amsterdammer (whole city Amsterdam)

The maternity agencies strive for as few changes of face as possible and you often see two different maternity nurses, sometimes more. If you prefer one and the same person, you could opt for a maternity nurse who works as a freelancer. She takes on a limited number of families, which makes her work easy to plan.


How do you find a good freelancer? There are a number of websites where freelancers unite in a collective. You can contact them without obligation, get acquainted and see if you make a good match.

  • Natuurlijke kraamzorg / Natural Maternity care (holistic view on care)
  • Kraamzorg 1 op 1 / maternity care 1 on 1
  • Kraamzorg Professionals / maternity Professionals


* some maternity nurses do not provide assistance with a home birth, as midwives we advise you not to use their services. Unless, of course, they come up with a solution for this themselves. Even if you do not wish to give birth at home: sometimes this happens unexpectedly or your wish changes during the course of your pregnancy.

* there are maternity carers who only tell you at the intake around 32 weeks that any parking costs are for you, this can cost a lot of money. During the intake, discuss which hours they charge and what other costs there are (such as travel & parking costs).


Some freelancers we can recommend:

  • Maryam Mimouni, 06-30671264
  • Naima Bouali (Eden Kraamzorg), 06-27046821
  • Desiree Bobby (Bobby kraamzorg), 06-19769496
  • Marijn Molenaar (Kraamdoula Amsterdam) contact us
  • Hester Wentzel, 06-23719989
  • Welmoed Metselaar (Natuurlijke Kraamzorg Amsterdam)
  • Jolanda de Jager, 06-14486783
  • Maartje Crone Kraamzorg, 06-44379813
  • Teresa Losacco, 06-14037241
  • Jillz Kraamzorg, 06-28909685
  • Anja Hartog, 06-20522157