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Episode 2: the Dutch midwifery system, healthy diet & lifestyle

I just got pregnant

Congratulations! Your pregnancy test is positive, you are pregnant. You may not have spoken to a midwife or doctor yet and have many questions. Read about what you can expect in terms of care in the coming months and how you can ensure you stay healthy.

In short

  • Netherlands has an exceptional maternity care system: if you are healthy, you do not need a doctor and you can choose where and how you want to give birth.
  • During pregnancy, you don't need to eat more than you're used to. Focus on a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.
  • Take folic acid and vitamin D.
  • Check if work, exercise, or other lifestyle factors could negatively impact your pregnancy.

The Dutch maternity care system

In the Netherlands, pregnant women are not considered "ill". We approach pregnancy from the perspective that you are "healthy & pregnant". If it becomes apparent that this is no longer the case, you may be placed under the care of a gynecologist in a hospital. Until then, as a healthy pregnant woman, you are under the care of a midwife. Midwives are often independent practitioners, working autonomously. Similar to general practitioners, midwives are trained to act as gatekeepers, ensuring that pregnancy and childbirth do not unnecessarily enter the medical realm.

The benefits of the Dutch maternity care system

  • Your midwife is often close to home and easily accessible.
  • In the Netherlands, relatively few (unnecessary) interventions take place during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • You can choose where you want to give birth: at home or in the hospital.
  • In some areas, multiple midwives work within a region. You can choose the one who suits you best.
  • The care remains affordable.

What does your midwife do?


During your pregnancy, you will visit the midwife about 10 times. The time between appointments becomes shorter as your pregnancy progresses. The first appointment, the intake with your midwife, is the longest (read more about it in the next episode). During follow-up appointments, the midwife will measure your blood pressure, monitor the baby's growth, and listen to the baby's heartbeat. Additionally, she is there for questions, education, and mental support. At Amstermam, these contact moments occur during Centering Pregnancy sessions. Read more about our care services here In addition to regular appointments at the practice, your midwife is available 24/7 in case of complications or when you go into labor, of course.


When labor begins, you can choose whether to give birth at home, in a birthing center, or in a hospital. In episode six of the 9-month plan "I am preparing for childbirth," we will delve deeper into this. This process is led by your own midwifery team, unless there is a medical indication. Research shows that women who give birth with a midwife tend to look back more positively on their childbirth experience, with fewer unnecessary medical interventions.

Postpartum period

After childbirth, the care from the midwife continues. During the first 10 days, she remains accessible day and night in case of any issues. She typically visits your home 2-3 times during this period to check on your and the baby's well-being. The maternity nurse is present every day for several hours, assisting with daily care and conducting health checks for both you and the baby. Sometimes she consults with a midwife over the phone or calls the midwife for an extra visit if needed.

Postpartum check-up

The care is concluded only at 6 weeks after childbirth. This is done with a group meeting: the return day of Centering Pregnancy. In some cases, a follow-up appointment at the clinic is also possible.


Which midwife?

There are often multiple midwifery practices operating in an area, and you can choose which one to register with. Often, you make your choice based on recommendations from your surroundings or the practice's website. Some practices offer an introductory meeting through group sessions, for example. Consider what suits you: whether you prefer a more business-like or personal approach, a large or small practice, group sessions or individual appointments. Also, consider practical advantages such as having ultrasound facilities on-site, evening and/or weekend appointments, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

Healthy diet


You're not just taking care of yourself but also your child, who develops all organs and the central nervous system in the first weeks of pregnancy. Eat healthily to stay fit yourself and promote your child's proper development.

  • Eat a healthy and varied diet, not more or less than usual.
  • Try to eat (fatty) fish twice a week, as it stimulates the development of your baby's brain. If you don't eat fish, ensure you get enough Omega-3 fatty acids through alternative sources.
  • Take 400 mcg of folic acid daily until 10 weeks of pregnancy to promote the closure of your baby's spinal cord.
  • Take 10 micrograms of Vitamin D daily throughout the entire pregnancy. This promotes the absorption of calcium from your diet.
  • Additional vitamins and minerals are not necessary. If you still prefer to use a multivitamin, choose one specifically designed for pregnant women.

Better to refrain...

Some foods are better avoided during pregnancy due to potential harmful substances, bacteria, or parasites they may contain.

  • Do not consume more than three cups of caffeinated beverages per day (coffee, black tea, energy drinks).
  • Only eat meat, chicken, shellfish, or seafood if it is thoroughly cooked.
  • You can safely eat raw fish that is fresh (including fresh sushi!). However, it's best to avoid vacuum-packed raw fish unless it's heated thoroughly before consumption.
  • Predatory fish such as tuna, swordfish, and mackerel contain heavy metals; avoid consuming them too frequently.
  • Do not drink or eat raw (unpasteurized) milk or milk products. Soft cheeses from specialty cheese shops are often made from raw milk.
  • Make sure to wash fruits, lettuce, and raw vegetables thoroughly.
  • Liver and other organ meats can contain excessive amounts of vitamin A and should be avoided in the coming months.
  • Alcohol can be harmful to the growth and development of your child, even in small amounts. So, be alcohol-free during pregnancy!

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle includes not only balanced nutrition but also exercise or physical activity, hygiene, and good mental well-being, which are equally important. For the effects of smoking, drugs, medication, and your work environment, refer to episode 1 'I want to become pregnant'.


Additionally, consider the following:


Continue exercising during your pregnancy as usual (excluding diving or contact sports like kickboxing/hockey). This helps maintain your fitness level, which is crucial leading up to childbirth. Additionally, regular exercise reduces the risk of pelvic discomfort, high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes. If you're not accustomed to intense exercise, opt for activities like walking, cycling, or swimming to stay active.


During pregnancy, your immune system is less resistant to infections. Therefore, wash your hands regularly and handle food hygienically. Clean surfaces that have come into contact with raw meat thoroughly. Use gloves when gardening and when changing the litter box for cats.


The effects of (work) stress on your pregnancy are comparable to those of smoking. It can affect your child's growth negatively and increase the risk of premature birth. Therefore, minimize stress as much as possible during pregnancy.

Yoga during pregnancy

During your pregnancy, it's valuable to stay active, connect with your baby in the womb, and relax. Pregnancy yoga contributes to these aspects through the soothing effects of breathing exercises, meditation, and movement. Depending on your needs, you can attend a pregnancy yoga retreat, take a course, or join individual classes. For a comprehensive offering of pregnancy yoga in Amsterdam and retreats in the Netherlands, you can find more information at moederschapsyoga.nl.


and more...

For partners

Women who are newly pregnant may experience not only physical symptoms like nausea but also vulnerability mentally. They may feel unwell, and hormones can make them emotionally fragile. This often resolves naturally around the 14th week of pregnancy. Therefore, be extra supportive and caring during this time 😉

Read tips

  • Read the brochure 'Pregnant' of RIVM.
  • Read about prenatal tests that you can consider during pregnancy if you wish.
  • More readings about alcohol, smoking and pregnancy

To do

  • Take 400 micrograms of active folate daily until 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Take 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the entire pregnancy.
  • You can register with us! You do not need a referral from your general practitioner, and the costs are covered by your Dutch basic health insurance.

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Questions about a healthy pregnancy?

Contact us! We are available by phone every day until 1:00 PM, and by email all day.

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Do I always get Centering Pregnancy care?

Can I follow the Centering Pregnancy course during working hours?

Who supervises the Centering Pregnancy meetings?

Where do the Centering Pregnancy meetings take place?

Is there also a possibility for a 1-on-1 or private moment with the midwife?

What can I expect during the Centering Pregnancy meetings?

How long are the Centering Pregnancy meetings?

How many Centering Pregnancy meetings are there?

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Interested in getting to know us?

You're welcome to join our online introduction session Meeting amstermam, given by one of our midwives. Here you will get acquainted with our approach and practice.
