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Episode 7: the last weeks of your pregnancy & overdue

I am counting down the weeks

You're on maternity leave, the birth is approaching, and the final stages are here. Soon, you'll become a family, or your family will grow.

In short

  • A normal term for giving birth is between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Few women find the last weeks of pregnancy with their accompanying discomforts enjoyable.
  • In the final weeks, the baby already establishes the rhythm in which it will want to be fed: a sleep and wake cycle of approximately 3 hours.
Amstermam_ik tel de weken af

The final stretch

There's a good chance it's all getting a bit heavier now. Lower back pain, insomnia, frequent urination, swelling, and Braxton Hicks contractions are common. Take a nap during the day to recover and switch to a slower pace.

Contact your midwife or doctor when:

  • you constantly feel the need to urinate, but nothing comes out. You may have a bladder infection.
  • you have symptoms such as headache, seeing stars, tingling fingers, nausea, or upper abdominal pain in addition to retaining fluid.

Child's movements

A child that moves well is doing well with you!

A child who doesn't feel well may lie still to conserve energy. That's why we ask at every check-up if the baby is moving well, and we want you to call us if you have any doubts about whether the baby is moving enough.

In the final weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the baby may change slightly. It's getting more cramped inside, so movements may become smaller and easier to miss. Additionally, the baby's sleep pattern changes, leading to longer breaks between vigorous movements. Fortunately, being on maternity leave often results in more energy left for the baby and more attention to everything you feel. If you're worried about your baby's condition due to reduced movements, always contact your midwife or doctor.

If you're unsure whether your baby is moving enough, do the following: take a moment to rest (if you're not already at home), eat something sweet. Find a relaxed position, such as lying on the couch, bed, or in the bath, and focus your attention on the baby. Place your hands on your belly to feel the movements from the outside.

Please contact us:

  • When you do not feel the baby move at least 10 times within 2 hours while you were at rest and focusing on the baby.
  • When the baby suddenly moves much less than you are accustomed to.
  • In case of concern or doubt about the baby's movements.


A pregnancy is considered full term when delivery occurs between 37 and 42 weeks. Your due date is calculated as 40 weeks into your pregnancy. A pregnancy lasting 42 weeks or longer is termed 'post-term'. Fortunately, 95-98% of women give birth before that time.

After 42 weeks, there are more complications

After 42 weeks, the risk of complications increases. The placenta may have reached its maximum lifespan and may function less effectively. This can lead to decreased amniotic fluid, reduced nutrient supply to the baby, and an increased likelihood of fetal distress. Due to these escalating risks, we advise that from 42 weeks onwards, you give birth under the supervision of an obstetrician. The obstetrician will aim to induce labor.

Between 41 and 42 weeks: membrane sweeping

If you are more than 41 weeks pregnant, we will monitor you more frequently. This is to keep a close watch on you and your baby, and also to try to induce labor before 42 weeks using 'membrane sweeping'. During an internal examination, we check if there is any cervical dilation. If dilation is present, we attempt to separate the membranes from the cervix. We do not break the membranes during this procedure. Membrane sweeping releases prostaglandins, a hormone that helps soften the cervix and may trigger contractions.

Regional differences

There is often debate about what is best for a mother and child between 41 and 42 weeks. Some obstetricians believe in inducing labor at 41 weeks, while others advocate for a more conservative approach. Research to date has not provided definitive answers on the best course of action. As a result, different hospitals may manage post-term pregnancies differently, which can be confusing and raise questions. Feel free to discuss these concerns with your midwife!

Hospital bag

Prepare a packed bag with items for the hospital. Even if you plan to give birth at home, it's handy to have it ready in case you unexpectedly need to go to the hospital. See 'I'm in labor' for what you can pack for the hospital.

Tip: Place a note by the bag listing the last items to be packed, such as phone chargers. This way, your partner can quickly gather the final items when the time comes.


and more...

For partners

Look beyond childbirth and discuss together how you envision the postpartum period and life with a child.
Do you have some change ready in case she goes into labor and you need a coin for a wheelchair?


  • Acupuncture can help prepare your body for childbirth
  • Start getting used to taking afternoon naps
  • Rest, rest, rest… 😉

To do

Pack a hospital bag, even if you plan to give birth at home.

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