Dutch midwifery system
I’m pregnant, what to expect?
In the Netherlands we do not see pregnant women as ‘sick’. We approach pregnancy from the perspective that you are ‘healthy & pregnant’. If it turns out that this is not the case (anymore), you may come under the care of a gynecologist in the hospital. Until then, as a healthy pregnant woman, you are under the care of a midwife. Midwives are often self-employed and work independently and autonomously. Midwives, like general practitioners, are trained to fulfill a gatekeeper function. As a result, pregnancy and childbirth do not enter the medical circuit unnecessarily.
The advantages of the Dutch obstetric system
Your obstetrician is often close to home and is easily accessible.
Relatively few (unnecessary) interventions are performed during pregnancy and childbirth in the Netherlands.
You can choose where you want to give birth: at home or in the hospital.